Water Upgrades Save for Multifamily Buildings
Save money, water and energy ― with water efficiency upgrades for little-to-no upfront cost.
Multifamily property owners in Sebastopol and Cloverdale can install efficiency upgrades, such as high-efficiency toilets, showerheads and aerators, and repay the cost over time using a monthly utility-approved on-bill charge that is significantly lower than the estimated savings. So, you immediately lower your utility bills, upgrade your building ― and save water and energy.
Download the flyer to learn more and get started.

- Save more than you pay
- Little-to-no upfront cost
- No new debt
- No credit check

- Select your upgrades
- Installation by program contractor
- Pay a charge on a lower water bill

- Immediately lower your utility bills
- Upgrade your home
- Save water and energy
This program is SB 407 Compliant. SB 407 requires water efficient fixures at time of sale for multifamily properties.
How to Participate
The process is simple:
Step 1. Get Started
In Sebastopol or Cloverdale, contact waterupgradessave@eetility.com to express your interest and learn details
Step 2. Scope the Work
A trained assessor will screen your property and provide the most efficient scope of work based on water savings estimates.
Step 3. Select Fixtures
You select the program-approved, high quality, efficient fixtures for installation, with a program-only negotiated price to save money.
Step 4. Installation
You Choose — Choose installation by a licensed contractor or use your own maintenance staff or plumber. See the boxes below for details.
The Program Operator helps you schedule the installation by a licensed Program contractor.
- Labor and upgrades eligible for on-bill charge
- Qualified contractor overseen by the program
- Contractor is bonded
Your maintenance staff or preferred plumber installs the water-saving fixtures.
- Upgrades eligible for on-bill charge
- You buy upgrade fixtures through the program
- Work with your own staff or contractor
- You pay for your contractor’s labor
Step 5. Quality Control
After our quality control inspectors confirm proper installation, you’ll see the charge on a lower water bill.
Step 6. Start Saving Immediately
You and your tenants enjoy ongoing savings on property upgrades!
Download the flyer: Print out the program flyer to have details at your fingertips.
Other Water Utility Customers
Water Upgrades Save is currently enrolling Bay Area water utilities. Request to be notified when your water utility joins the program.
BayREN’s Water Upgrades Save program helps multifamily property owners comply with state and local building codes and help tenants respond to the drought.
When you participate, you’ll get the following benefits:
- A full water assessment to determine cost-effective upgrades and project capital
- A selection of screened and vetted, efficient fixtures
- Licensed and approved plumbers to install fixtures
- Third-party quality control
- Savings on the meter that more than pay for upgrade costs
- You only pay the charge while you own the building. If you sell the building, the charge transfers to the new owner
- Failed improvements are repaired or the charge is terminated
Regional Partnership
This vetted water- and energy-saving program is possible through a partnership with BayREN, the Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC), and the Association of Bay Area Governments (ABAG).
Water Upgrades Save promotes water efficiency as a California way of life.