Birds view of Bay Bridge from Polk Street.

How to Adopt a Reach Code

An energy reach code is a local ordinance which is more stringent than the state’s energy requirements (Title 24, Part 6). Reach codes are important policy tools that can reduce energy use, energy costs and greenhouse gas emissions.

A reach code can stand alone or can be combined with water efficiency, electric vehicle charging or green materials requirements into a green building ordinance.

There are specific legal requirements and considerations that local governments need to be aware of when deciding whether to adopt a reach code.

To make it easier for local governments to draft, adopt and implement reach codes, BayREN has put together a series of resources.


A group of people in a classroom setting, with a presenter standing.
Legal Requirements

Energy efficiency reach codes are similar to other local ordinances, but there are special requirements for reach codes.

A group of city staff.

Though jurisdictions can each have their own approach, reach code development and adoption tends to follow a common, general process.

Code Development Timeline.
Project Steps & Timeline

Jurisdictions may find this timeline helpful for planning their reach code development and adoption process.

Reach Code Newcomers Webinars
Reach Code Newcomers Webinars

This webinar series is for those new to reach codes and anyone who wants to learn more about them.

Forum presentation.
Other Resources

This page provides links to model ordinances, cost-effectiveness studies, and other resources for local governments working on developing a reach code.

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