How We Work
Led by the Association of Bay Area Governments (ABAG), BayREN is a regional collaborative. BayREN represents and serves the Bay Area’s nine counties with outreach, training, technical assistance, funding and resources to make the Bay Area and California a greener, more resilient, more equitable and more energy efficient place to live.
BayREN is funded by utility ratepayer funds through the California Public Utilities Commission, as well as other sources. Our staff and representatives are local government employees, working to support the local economy and local communities.

BayREN was created to help local communities equitably achieve California’s climate and equity goals. We have been supporting underserved communities since 2013.

BayREN empowers local communities through funding, education, resources and other programs. Learn more about how we support Bay Area communities.
Our Priorities
BayREN’s top three priorities include:
Promoting Healthy and Energy Efficient Buildings for single family and multifamily property owners and for small and medium-sized businesses
Building Government Capacity for local governments to increase their impact, with training, mentoring and a range of resources throughout the nine Bay Area counties
- Reducing Carbon Emissions by catalyzing regional activities and providing technical assistance and resources for reaching ZNE/ZNC goals for municipal buildings
A Regional Network
As a regional coalition, BayREN reflects the complex needs of all of the Bay Area’s nine counties. And BayREN provides services across jurisdictions that municipal-only programs cannot achieve.
As a regional resource, BayREN can provide the Bay Area’s smaller counties with capacity building and resources to offer programs they otherwise would not have the staff or funding to run on their own. Are you a Bay Area local government in need of assistance? Find and contact your County lead.
BayREN’s programs — including rebates, financing and technical assistance — are uniform throughout the nine counties, making participation consistent and easy for contractors who work across counties and property owners who own properties in many counties.
By uniting and coordinating multiple efforts at a regional level and delivering integrated solutions, BayREN will help the State meet our aggressive goals related to climate change.