Introducing Jane Elias as BayREN’s New Program Administrator
The Bay Area is renowned for its environmental leadership, and with the selection of Jane Elias as the Bay Area Regional Energy Network’s (BayREN) new Program Administrator, the region’s efforts on energy and climate work are positioned to reach new heights. With an impressive background in local government and deep knowledge in energy efficiency and resilience, Jane is set to have a lasting impact. “I am excited to continue energy and climate work at a regional level and feel very fortunate to live in an area that is so committed to climate change work.” Says Jane as she reflected on her new role.
Jane is coming to us after 13 years of service with the County of Sonoma, where she managed the nationally recognized Sonoma County Energy Independence Program and the County’s implementation of the Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E) Local Government Partnership. As manager of the County’s Energy & Sustainability programs, she directed marketing, outreach, and implementation activities for several BayREN programs, oversaw Sonoma Green Business certification, and more. In 2020, the Property Assessed Clean Energy (PACE) financing program honored Jane as a recipient of a 2020 PACESetter Award for excellence in program design and implementation. Through the County’ Energy Independence Program, she was recognized for creating a best practices model to fund and improve energy efficiency in residential homes and commercial buildings, which was adopted by more than 2,000 cities across the United States.
Jane assumes her new position, succeeding a retiring leader and esteemed colleague, Jenny Berg, who has held an exceptional tenure since 2013. Jenny spearheaded the implementation of a comprehensive portfolio of resource efficiency programs. After a decade under her leadership, the portfolio has blossomed into a successful and permanent energy efficiency program, seeing national recognition for exemplary program success. The newly approved 2024 – 2031 Business Plan, led by Jenny, positions BayREN as the first regional energy network to run a statewide program and approves a nearly $40 million annual portfolio. As Jane transitions into her role, implementing the Business Plan will be a top priority. “I could not be more thrilled about Jane Elias stepping in as the new BayREN Program Administrator!” said Jenny. “Jane brings with her a wealth of local government and energy program experience and has quickly hit the ground running! I have full confidence in Jane and her ability to implement the new BayREN Portfolio.”
As Jane steps into her new role as Program Administrator, she does so as a reliable leader who will continue to inspire the Bay Area. “I have had the pleasure of working with Jane for the last 13 years”, said Dori Estrella, Education and Outreach Manager for Sonoma County’s Climate Action and Resiliency Division. “Her leadership was instrumental in developing the County’s energy and sustainability programs and initiatives both internally and public facing. I am excited to see her work on a regional scale.” BayREN warmly welcomes Jane, and we look forward to the new journey ahead!