Building Resilience: Keeping the Lights on in an All-Electric Future
Yerba Buena Room (Bay Area Metro Center)
375 Beale Street
San Francisco, CA 94105
United States

State and local policies are pushing our built environment toward all-electric buildings in order to save energy and reduce climate impacts, and at the same time we are experiencing challenges such as wildfires, heat events, and brownouts. Attendees heard about building and community scale solutions that can help create a resilient built environment for everyone, including energy efficiency, load shifting, demand response strategies, and more.
Welcome and Introductions
Kellen Dammann, County of Marin BayREN Representative | Watch recorded presentation
Building a Resilient All-Electric Home
Dave Guidice, County of Napa | Watch recorded presentation
Home-Scale Resilience:
Passive House and Energy Efficiency for Resilience
Graham Irwin, Essential Habitat Architecture | Watch recorded presentation
Vehicle to Grid Technology
John Sarter, dcbel | Watch recorded presentation
Heat Pump Water Heaters & Load Shifting
Emily Kehmeier, Energy Solutions | Watch recorded presentation
Q&A - Panel 1 | Watch recorded presentation
Community Scale Resilience:
CCA’s Role in Reliability and Resilience
Sebastian Conn, MCE Clean Energy | Watch recorded presentation
BayREN’s Resilient Libraries Network Initiative
(Presentation) Aleka Seville, Collective Strategies Consulting
(Presentation) Rachel Jacobson, American Society of Adaptation Professionals (ASAP) | Watch recorded presentation
Q&A - Panel 2 and Closing Remarks | Watch recorded presentation
Other Resources:
Electrification & Community Resilience (ECR) design standard and economic analysis
Electrification & Community Resilience (ECR) design standard and economic analysis (ESS V2X version)