2022 Annual Report
Reflecting on 2022
Since 2013, BayREN has provided rebates, direct funding, and technical assistance to support renters, property and business owners, realtors, and local governments in enhancing building energy efficiency and reducing their carbon footprint. Watch the video to get a glimpse of how our work impacts Bay Area communities!
Program Success
BayREN programs displayed remarkable accomplishments. Notably, the Green Labeling program experienced the most successful year for both program participation and rebate disbursal, the Business FLEXmarket program launched in November, and the Multifamily Program improved its rebate structure.
Investing in the Future
BayREN continued its partnership with Rising Sun Center for Opportunity’s Climate Careers, an empowerment program that employs young people to provide Green House Calls, energy efficiency services that help residents lower their household energy consumption.
Connecting California
Regional Energy Networks (RENs) collectively reach over 27.5 million people, demonstrating that collaboration among RENs is an opportunity to grow on existing success. In 2022, the RENs came together to lay the groundwork for a new statewide coordination group: California REN (CalREN). CalREN aims to build on lessons learned and work towards a clean energy future.
Redesigning Incentives
In 2022, the Bay Area Multifamily Building Enhancements (BAMBE) program redesigned its incentive structure to enhance equity. The revised structure introduces four bonus rebates focused on improving resident health, comfort, and safety. These rebate adders aim to improve indoor air quality and resilience while reducing utility bills for renters.
Reaching Communities
BayREN partnered with major Spanish- and Chinese-language media companies, including Univision, Telemundo, and KTSF, to conduct outreach in ways that align with cultural values. This approach recognizes the variety of cultures and languages in our region, and avoids a generic “cut-and-paste” outreach approach derived from English-language messaging.
Rebuilding Relationships
In-person real estate trainings relaunched, with the first since 2020 held at the Advanced Energy Center in Santa Rosa. Agents received a tour and ended the training with an induction cooking demonstration and delicious food. After years of virtual training, this event highlighted the importance of relationship building and hands-on experiences in creating market transformation.
Measuring Success
BayREN’s Value Pillars track the unique value we provides to the region and the state. BayREN helps to make state policy objectives practical at the local level by building human and organizational infrastructure, obtaining energy savings while supporting local difficult to serve populations, and testing innovative solutions.
Thank You!
“As we complete a decade of program implementation, I could not be prouder of the multitude of BayREN accomplishments. We have been recognized on the local, regional, state, and national level and we are just getting started! BayREN is well positioned to offer more holistic and expanded programs in our region. The green future is bright!” -Jennifer Berg, Program Administrator