Income Qualified Programs
Last updated: Nov 20, 2024
Find residential energy programs and rebates for the Bay Area. Remember to check with your rebate providers if your rebates are stackable with other programs.
Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP)
LIHEAP is a federally funded program, that can offer a one-time payment to help you:
- Pay your heating or cooling bills, even if you use wood, propane, or oil.
- In an emergency or energy crisis, such as a utility disconnection.
In addition to help with paying your energy bill, LIHEAP can also provide in-home weatherization services for improved energy efficiency and health and safety.
LIHEAP is administered on the regional level. Please use this map to find your local service provider for details on program eligibility and the services available in your area.
Low Income Weatherization Program (LIWP)
California’s LIWP program provides low-income households with solar photovoltaic (PV) systems and energy efficiency upgrades at no cost to residents. The program reduces greenhouse gas emissions and household energy costs by saving energy and generating clean renewable power.
LIWP is administered on the regional level. Please use this map to find your local service provider for details on program eligibility and the services available in your area.
Additional IRA Rebates
As of November 19, 2024, HEEHRA rebates for new heat pump HVAC appliances are available through TECH Clean California. Income-qualified households are eligible to receive up to $8,000 in HEEHRA rebates to reduce the cost of purchasing a new energy-efficient heat pump HVAC. See if you qualify here.
HEERHA Phase 2 rebates for other appliances will be available some time in 2025. Please subscribe to BayREN’s newsletter to stay updated.
For qualified owners of multi-family homes: HEEHRA rebates for multifamily projects are now available for heat pumps for space heating and cooling, heat pump water heaters, cooktops, ranges, ovens, and heat pump clothes dryers, as well as electrical equipment such as electrical panel upgrades and wiring. Multifamily property owners interested in HEEHRA rebates available can apply through TECH Clean California. Review qualifications and submit applications here.
Single-family Solar Homes (DAC-SASH)
Run by GRID Alternatives, DAC-SASH enables income-qualified homeowners in disadvantaged communities (DACs) to receive no-cost rooftop solar installations. Homeowners who meet CARE/FERA requirements, live in a Disadvantaged Community, and are served by PG&E, SCE, or SDG&E are eligible.
Disadvantaged Communities – Green-Tariff (DAC-GT)
DAC-GT enables income-qualified, residential customers in disadvantaged communities (DACs) who may be unable to install solar on their roof to still benefit from 100% clean energy while also receiving a 20% bill discount. The program is available to customers who meet the income eligibility requirements for the California Alternate Rates for Energy (CARE) and Family Electric Rate Assistance (FERA) programs.
Self Generation Incentive Program (SGIP)
Low-income residents in areas of high fire threat can receive rebates through SGIP for installing energy storage technology in the home. These storage technologies include battery storage systems that can function in the event of a power outage. This rebate is applied to through PG&E. See eligibility rules.
Clean Cars for All
Through Clean Cars for All, income-qualified Bay Area residents can apply for grants to retire their older car and replace it with a hybrid, plug-in hybrid, battery, or hydrogen fuel cell electric vehicle, or a pre-paid card to use for public transit and purchase e-bikes. Bay Area residents can see if they qualify here.
California Energy Commission’s Equitable Building Decarbonization Program
The Equitable Building Decarbonization Program will provide no cost energy efficiency and electrification retrofits for low-income households in California. The program will also serve residential buildings owned or managed by a California Native American tribe, tribal organization, or tribal member. This program is expected to launch in 2025. Please check back later for more information.
Bay Area
BayREN’s Efficiency and Sustainable Energy (EASE) Home Program - Coming soon!
BayREN’s new Efficiency And Sustainable Energy (EASE) Home program will provide accessible and affordable energy upgrades for moderate-income homeowners in the Bay Area, promoting energy efficiency, health, comfort, and safety. The program and interest form are expected to launch in 2025. Please check back later for more information.
BayREN's Multifamily Program
The Bay Area Multifamily Building Enhancements program offers generous rebates and no-cost technical assistance that allow multifamily buildings to upgrade to the latest, most efficient and money-saving technology. Priority is given to deed-restricted or unsubsidized affordable housing properties or properties located within disadvantaged communities.
Properties located in high-priority zones that are most impacted by air pollution, extreme heat, and high housing costs qualify for bonus rebates.
PG&E’s Energy Savings Assistance Program (ESA)
PG&E's ESA program provides no cost weatherization services to energy users who meet CARE income limits. People interested in using these program services apply to the program through their utility. Services include, attic insulation, energy-efficient refrigerators, energy-efficient furnaces, and more. See if you’re eligible here.
Solar on Multifamily Affordable Housing (SOMAH)
BAAQMD’s Clean Heating Efficiently with Electric Technology (Clean HEET) Program
The Clean HEET Program provides Bay Area homeowners incentives to replace their existing, operational, freestanding wood stoves or wood-burning fireplace inserts with electric heat pumps. Individual awards range from $3,000 - $10,500 for one stove/insert and $6,000 - $13,500 for two stoves/inserts.
Projects located in areas most impacted by air pollution will be prioritized first due to limited funding. Homeowners in West Oakland, East Oakland, Richmond-San Pablo, and Bayview Hunters Point/Southeast San Francisco are especially encouraged to apply.
Additional Offerings by County
Ava Community Energy’s Health-e Communities program will replace your gas stove with a new electric induction range—at no cost to you. Limited spots available. See if you qualify here.
Contra Costa
The County of Contra Costa’s Low-Income Weatherization Program is a Federal and State-funded program whose purpose is to assist low and/or fixed income people in making their homes more energy-efficient. The program is available regardless of whether you own or rent, live in a house, apartment, or a mobile home.
MCE’s Home Energy Savings Program: Qualifying homes in MCE territory can receive free home energy upgrades, such as attic insulation, duct sealing, a smart thermostat, and more. Get a free in-person or virtual home energy assessment performed by a trained energy advisor and FREE energy-saving gift options. See if you qualify here.
Electrify Marin: Qualified homeowners in Marin can receive higher rebates for induction cooktops and ranges, heat pump water heaters, heat pumps, and service panel upgrades. See if you qualify.
Community Action Marin’s Utility Assistance (LIHEAP) is the local administrator of the federally-funded Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP). LIHEAP helps families living on low incomes pay their heating bills in the form of a cash grant. It is a one-time payment sent directly to the utility company or fuel provider and will appear as a credit on your bill.
MCE’s Home Energy Savings Program: Qualifying homes in MCE territory can receive free home energy upgrades, such as attic insulation, duct sealing, a smart thermostat, and more. Get a free in-person or virtual home energy assessment performed by a trained energy advisor and FREE energy-saving gift options. See if you qualify here.
MCE’s Home Energy Savings Program: Qualifying homes in MCE territory can receive free home energy upgrades, such as attic insulation, duct sealing, a smart thermostat, and more. Get a free in-person or virtual home energy assessment performed by a trained energy advisor and FREE energy-saving gift options. See if you qualify here.
San Mateo
Peninsula Clean Energy (PCE)’s Home Upgrade Services: Qualified residents may receive no-cost upgrades to convert outdated gas appliances to safer, healthier, more energy-efficient options using trusted contractors. See if you’re eligible here.
San Francisco
San Francisco Environment’s Climate Equity Hub: Qualified residents can upgrade their home with a free heat pump water heater. See if you qualify here.
MCE’s Home Energy Savings Program: Qualifying homes in MCE territory can receive free home energy upgrades, such as attic insulation, duct sealing, a smart thermostat, and more. Get a free in-person or virtual home energy assessment performed by a trained energy advisor and FREE energy-saving gift options. See if you qualify here.
Sonoma Clean Power (SCP): SCP customers enrolled in CARE or FERA can receive rebates that cover 50% of total project costs, not to exceed $10,000, for induction cooking, heat pump heating and cooling systems, and heat pump water heating.
Santa Clara
Silicon Valley Clean Energy’s Full Service Home Upgrades (SVCE): Qualified residents may receive no-cost upgrades to convert outdated gas appliances to safer, healthier, more energy-efficient options using trusted contractors. See if you qualify here. Start your application here.