Heat Pump Water Heater Permitting: Preparing for a Decarbonized Future
Yerba Buena Room (Bay Area Metro Center)
375 Beale Street
San Francisco, CA 94105
United States

This was a special in-person, interactive Forum focused on permitting for heat pump water heaters. California has an ambitious goal of installing 6 million heat pumps by 2030; homeowners can draw on millions of dollars in incentives to switch to heat pumps; and the Bay Area Air Quality Management District has adopted rules that will require zero-NOx appliances such as heat pumps. As a result, building departments will see increasing numbers of permit applications for heat pump projects.
Attendees learned how BayREN can support municipalities, contractors, and other stakeholders to improve the process as we prepare for the future. This In-Person Forum was free and open to all.
Interactive Stations (World Café format)
- Permitting Fundamentals
Barry Hooper, City and County of San Francisco BayREN Representative - Air District Appliance Rules
Rich Chien, Bay Area Air Quality Management District - Submittal Requirements: BayREN/TECH Permitting Pilot
Karen Kristiansson, BayREN - Impacts of Permitting Processes on Zero NOx Appliance Adoption
Ryan Gardner, Rincon Consultants, Inc. - SVCE Permitting Modernization Program
Anthony Eulo, Silicon Valley Clean Energy - Simplifying HPWH permitting across San Mateo County
Alhad Dighe, County of San Mateo
Small Group Discussions
- Small Group Discussion - Group 1
- Small Group Discussion - Group 2
- Small Group Discussion - Group 3
- Small Group Discussion - Group 4
- Small Group Discussion - Group 5
- Small Group Discussion - Group 6, page 1
- Small Group Discussion - Group 6, page 2