Energy Roadmapping Technical Assistance Application Form

Energy Roadmapping Technical Assistance Form

If you are a Bay Area local government or special district staff member interested in receiving customized energy planning and technical support through BayREN’s Energy Roadmapping service for your public (municipal) buildings or future Community Resilience Centers (CRCs), please complete and submit this form. For more information about CRCs (also known as resilience hubs), visit:

General Information

Is your local government or special district able to commit up to 20 hours of Public Works (or similar department) staff time to actively participate throughout the roadmapping process AND support the implementation of some of the recommended energy measures in the roadmap within the next three years?
How did you learn about BayREN’s Energy Roadmapping Service? (select all that apply)

General Project Details

Select the option that best describes your project focus:
Select the option that best describes your building(s) project status:
Does your public building(s) receive gas and/or electric distribution service from Pacific Gas and Electric (PG&E)? Community Choice Aggregator (CCA) customers are also eligible to participate.
Are your jurisdiction’s building project sites located in census tracts that qualify as Bay Area Metropolitan Transportation Commission's (MTC) Equity Priority Communities OR do the building(s) serve populations that align with some of the demographic factors that define Equity Priority Communities? For example, a building could be in an area that is not designated as an Equity Priority Community by MTC but that serves a population that is majority people of color and majority limited English proficiency. See MTC’s definition and map for more information.
Is your local government interested in any of the following recommendations for your building project sites?
This question applies only if your project involves a CRC: Has your local government or special district already conducted community outreach and planning efforts to identify future CRC goals and critical features?