Energy Roadmapping

Energy Roadmapping

Are you ready to take the next step towards long-term energy savings and resilience for your community? 

Look no further than BayREN's Energy Roadmapping service. 

Our no-cost service provides local governments and special districts in the nine Bay Area counties with free technical and engineering support to develop a customized energy roadmap tailored to your specific goals and needs. 

Your roadmap will help you identify energy-saving opportunities, explore electrification options, and assess the resilience of your public buildings and potential Community Resilience Centers (CRCs). With our comprehensive approach, we'll provide you with an actionable plan for identifying, prioritizing, and completing projects to make your resilience and energy goals a reality.

Request technical assistance by completing and submitting the application form: 

 Application Form

What's in a Roadmap?

  • Phased energy measures to improve facilities (e.g., LED lighting, solar + battery storage)
  • Electrification readiness assessments
  • Project financials to inform facility upgrade decision-making
  • Resiliency analysis for CRCs

How It Works

  1. Review eligibility criteria and complete the application form.
  2. BayREN works closely with your team to define energy and resilience goals, review project plans, and conduct building energy audits to identify new opportunities.
  3. BayREN develops a customized roadmap with phased energy recommendations and savings estimates to help you achieve your goals!

Eligibility Criteria

To be eligible, local governments and special districts must meet the following minimum criteria: 

  • Be located in one of the following nine BayREN counties: Alameda, Contra Costa, Marin, Napa, San Francisco, San Mateo, Santa Clara, Solano, or Sonoma.
  • Public buildings must receive electric and/or gas services from Pacific Gas & Electric (PG&E). Community Choice Aggregator (CCA) customers are also eligible to participate.
  • Be able to commit up to 20 hours of Public Works (or similar department) staff time to actively participate throughout the roadmapping process AND support the implementation of some of the recommended energy measures in the roadmap within the next three years.
  • Building project sites must not have any physical, ownership, or operational barriers that would limit the implementation of recommended energy measures identified in the roadmap. 

Each jurisdiction is limited to submitting one Energy Roadmapping application per year. An application can be for a single building or portfolio of buildings, up to a maximum of five buildings. This is subject to change based on program demand. 

BayREN has limited funding for this program to provide approximately 10 roadmaps per year depending on the complexity of the projects. If more applications are received than BayREN can currently support, BayREN may utilize additional criteria to prioritize submitted applications to receive roadmaps, which may include but is not limited to:

  • Building project sites located in census tracts that qualify as Bay Area Metropolitan Transportation Commission's (MTC) Equity Priority Communities OR that serve populations that align with some of the demographic factors that define Equity Priority Communities. See MTC’s definition and map for more information.
  • Jurisdictions that have existing plans or policies, such as a climate or energy action plan, that include energy or resilience goals and actions for their public buildings.
  • For CRC project sites, jurisdictions that have conducted community outreach and planning efforts to identify future CRC goals and critical features.


To learn more about the Energy Roadmapping service, refer to our Program Guide
