BayREN Launches Resilient Libraries Network to Bolster Community Resilience
Libraries have always been vital community hubs for learning and development, and during the Covid-19 pandemic, some have even expanded to provide critical health resources. As temperatures continue to rise and climate hazards become more prevalent in the Bay Area, libraries can also serve as integral locations to help the community stay safe during these increasingly common extreme weather events.
Now We're Cooking...with Induction!
Three minutes. That’s how long it can take to heat up one liter of water on an induction cooktop, compared to the 10 minutes it takes on a gas or electric stove. Keep reading to learn more about the benefits of induction cooking!
BayREN Electrification Checklist Helps Assess Decarb Potential in Bay Area Single Family Homes
The BayREN Business Plan – Prioritizing Equity and Leading on Energy Efficiency
BayREN’s Business Plan 2024-2031 (Plan) submitted in early March to the California Public Utilities Commission, reflects an ambition to achieve California’s climate and energy goals while enabling an urgent evolution of the organization, resources, and programs to integrate equity more intentionally.
Mayor London Breed Announces New Programs to Reduce Carbon Emissions and Promote Equitable Access to Clean Energy
Celebrating Rising Sun: Forging Paths for a Clean Economy and High Roads Jobs
Working at the intersection of economic equity and climate resilience, Rising Sun Center for Opportunity has been a force for change in the San Francisco Bay Area and San Joaquin County communities since 1994. Read more to learn about their vision to create a path for high roads jobs through their Climate Careers youth program and their partnership with BayREN.
The TECH Clean California Initiative and the Switch is On Campaign Push for Cleaner and Healthier Homes in California
Last December’s launch of the TECH Clean California (TECH) initiative and the statewide Switch is On campaign marks new statewide opportunities for residents to take clean energy and electrification measures at home.
Three Bay Area Cities ranked as some of the most energy efficient in the Country, according to recent ACEEE report
San Francisco (#1), San José (#9), and Oakland (#10) ranked in the top 10 energy efficient cities list according to the recently released ACEEE City Clean Energy Scorecards for 2021. The scorecards rank the 100 largest US cities for their efforts in building and transportation efficiency and scalability across 5 policy areas: local government operations, community-wide initiatives, buildings, energy and water utilities, and transportation.